I have a bunch of pictures I want to post, including my new hair and my new rats... but they're all on the other computer. I'll do it later.
Instead, I'll talk about weekend highlights:
Getting drunk and falling off a dancing platform. FIRST time that's ever happened. Not the getting drunk part, but the falling part. Ouch. I don't know that it was such a highlight for me, but I'm sure definitly a hilarious highlight for everyone else around me.
Going to see the Vivienne Westwood exhibit. Inspiration.
Going to Mekong after seeing the VW exhibit. Serioulsy, go there. SO FUCKING GOOD!! Vegan food abounds there, and it's top notch. Also (and mainly, like most places) caters to meatmouths. I'm thinking we need to have Thursday Night Curry soon.
Playing with tree rats (aka squirrels) in GG park, and taking pictures of sunbathing turtles.
Playing with our new baby ratties. !! Yes, I picked some up from the adoption tank at petsmart. I couldn't resist them. Unfortunately, something is a bit wrong with one of them. His wiring is a bit crossed somewhere we think. I'm hoping that he's just adjusting, and that this isn't something that's going to keep up. Out of nowhere he'll freak out on you, or just while he's in the cage, and start jumping in a circular pattern. Then he'll stop, and stay frozen (literally frozen) in what looks like fear for long periods of time. He seems ok at night, and in the dark though. Ugh. Like I said, I hope he's just ajusting. So far we've named him Spook. We'll see if it'll change. Temporarily, we've named the other one Polar Bear (or PB) since he looks like a mini one, and haven't found a name yet for the third. He's older than the other two, is hooded, and has almost purple ears. Any suggestions?
Playing with our other two older boys. Patch seems to be doing much better.
All in all, a pretty good weekend. I wanted to go down to see my Dad next weekend for Fathers day, but tickets are in the mid 200's - 400. Absurd.
Instead, I'll talk about weekend highlights:
Getting drunk and falling off a dancing platform. FIRST time that's ever happened. Not the getting drunk part, but the falling part. Ouch. I don't know that it was such a highlight for me, but I'm sure definitly a hilarious highlight for everyone else around me.
Going to see the Vivienne Westwood exhibit. Inspiration.
Going to Mekong after seeing the VW exhibit. Serioulsy, go there. SO FUCKING GOOD!! Vegan food abounds there, and it's top notch. Also (and mainly, like most places) caters to meatmouths. I'm thinking we need to have Thursday Night Curry soon.
Playing with tree rats (aka squirrels) in GG park, and taking pictures of sunbathing turtles.
Playing with our new baby ratties. !! Yes, I picked some up from the adoption tank at petsmart. I couldn't resist them. Unfortunately, something is a bit wrong with one of them. His wiring is a bit crossed somewhere we think. I'm hoping that he's just adjusting, and that this isn't something that's going to keep up. Out of nowhere he'll freak out on you, or just while he's in the cage, and start jumping in a circular pattern. Then he'll stop, and stay frozen (literally frozen) in what looks like fear for long periods of time. He seems ok at night, and in the dark though. Ugh. Like I said, I hope he's just ajusting. So far we've named him Spook. We'll see if it'll change. Temporarily, we've named the other one Polar Bear (or PB) since he looks like a mini one, and haven't found a name yet for the third. He's older than the other two, is hooded, and has almost purple ears. Any suggestions?
Playing with our other two older boys. Patch seems to be doing much better.
All in all, a pretty good weekend. I wanted to go down to see my Dad next weekend for Fathers day, but tickets are in the mid 200's - 400. Absurd.
I loved the VW exhibit. Your new baby boys sound super cute. I really want some ratties, I think I am ready again, but I think my dog might try and hurt them. He always wants to eat the squirrels that taunt him at home.
omg...why oh why did you send me that link?! too much cuteness. they are look so sweet. argh.