*sigh*... as some of you might know, Yonderboy and I lost one of our rats last Saturday. Thus, the reason for the sad face. I wanted to wait until I could put pictures up of Indy, but my power adapter to my laptop died and I'm waiting for a new one. I'll post pictures of him when it comes in.
Until then:
Oh, Indy. Mr. Independent. Well, you started out that way anyway. When I moved back to SF, I was given the job of socializing you more. Because of that, I became your person. You were mine and I was yours. That makes losing you a million times harder.
You were such a little brat. Mischevious, always getting into things, always trying to sneak extra snacks and treats, always chewing your way into new crevices that we wouldn't be able to get you out of. And I loved you even more for it. Even when you drew blood from biting my finger, I couldn't help but find it endearing. It was mostly my fault as I had avocado all over my hand. You were sweeter than pie when you weren't getting into things. Chirping and knashing your teeth. Hanging out in the plants. Being mr. softy pants, because you are still the softest animal I've ever pet in my life. You always smelled really good too, like vanilla and laundry. I think it's because you liked to hang out in the laundry pile while we folded the clothes.
You left us without warning. I admit, I was and still am a little angry about that. Not at you of course. Just in general. I feel cheated. But I'm not, I know it was just your time. To continue to feel cheated would be like saying that all the time I did spend with you was not enough, and I know you gave your all to us so that would be saying that your all wasn't good enough. And it was. It was more than good enough. But, I still miss you. So does your Pop (yonderboy) and the other two boys. Even Fatty mc Fatterson (your brother, and littermate) didn't get out of bed to eat at all for a few days. He misses you. Stanley misses you too. He smelled the whole play area, searching for you we think, before crawling into the dome and sulking.
I love you mr. softypants. In-dep-ah-dent. Indy. Favorite one. and I miss you something awful. Say hi to Old Man for us.
In other news: Yonderboy and I leave at an ungodly hour for Portland tomorrow. Convergence 13 is our destination. I do believe it's needed right now. Aptly themed this year for us: A dark Victorian dream. It will let me be able to wear some proper mourning clothes.
Oh, and in other other news: What does Noelani do when there's been a dramatic emotional rift in her life? She does something drastic with her hair. In this case, cuts it all off.
Until then:
Oh, Indy. Mr. Independent. Well, you started out that way anyway. When I moved back to SF, I was given the job of socializing you more. Because of that, I became your person. You were mine and I was yours. That makes losing you a million times harder.
You were such a little brat. Mischevious, always getting into things, always trying to sneak extra snacks and treats, always chewing your way into new crevices that we wouldn't be able to get you out of. And I loved you even more for it. Even when you drew blood from biting my finger, I couldn't help but find it endearing. It was mostly my fault as I had avocado all over my hand. You were sweeter than pie when you weren't getting into things. Chirping and knashing your teeth. Hanging out in the plants. Being mr. softy pants, because you are still the softest animal I've ever pet in my life. You always smelled really good too, like vanilla and laundry. I think it's because you liked to hang out in the laundry pile while we folded the clothes.
You left us without warning. I admit, I was and still am a little angry about that. Not at you of course. Just in general. I feel cheated. But I'm not, I know it was just your time. To continue to feel cheated would be like saying that all the time I did spend with you was not enough, and I know you gave your all to us so that would be saying that your all wasn't good enough. And it was. It was more than good enough. But, I still miss you. So does your Pop (yonderboy) and the other two boys. Even Fatty mc Fatterson (your brother, and littermate) didn't get out of bed to eat at all for a few days. He misses you. Stanley misses you too. He smelled the whole play area, searching for you we think, before crawling into the dome and sulking.
I love you mr. softypants. In-dep-ah-dent. Indy. Favorite one. and I miss you something awful. Say hi to Old Man for us.

In other news: Yonderboy and I leave at an ungodly hour for Portland tomorrow. Convergence 13 is our destination. I do believe it's needed right now. Aptly themed this year for us: A dark Victorian dream. It will let me be able to wear some proper mourning clothes.
Oh, and in other other news: What does Noelani do when there's been a dramatic emotional rift in her life? She does something drastic with her hair. In this case, cuts it all off.
Ah crap, I'm sorry to hear of Indy's exit. He was a mighty sweet lil guy!
You guys are awesome, and I appreciate you both. Yes we must get together for cupcake making and hair doing!