So, I go on myspace today and notice that the number of times my profile has been looked at has jumped up by 32. Now, to some of the more popular kids out there, that's not a big number. But I'm used to having that number only be like 5 people at the most.
The number really doesn't peak my interest, as much as the curiosity of who these people are. And why they're just lurking.
Myspace is weird. Admittedly though, I've been spending more time there than here. Ever since the site change, I haven't been on as much. Maybe if I shoot another set, I'll get more excited about SG again.
Hhmmm... I wont have any time to shoot again, until Sept. Preparing for Burning Man is going to be consuming most of my time the next coming month. Yes, I'm going again. Read my other blog if you want to know what's been going on with me, since I don't really update this one as much.
Biggest news as of late: I have a new niece. Her name is Draven. I think I have the coolest named nieces ever, Nevaeh and Draven.
The number really doesn't peak my interest, as much as the curiosity of who these people are. And why they're just lurking.
Myspace is weird. Admittedly though, I've been spending more time there than here. Ever since the site change, I haven't been on as much. Maybe if I shoot another set, I'll get more excited about SG again.
Hhmmm... I wont have any time to shoot again, until Sept. Preparing for Burning Man is going to be consuming most of my time the next coming month. Yes, I'm going again. Read my other blog if you want to know what's been going on with me, since I don't really update this one as much.
Biggest news as of late: I have a new niece. Her name is Draven. I think I have the coolest named nieces ever, Nevaeh and Draven.

yeah, i still haven't jumped on that myspace thing... i do have a profile, but not trying to populate the page.. spenbt time doing that shit on friendster way back when, befoire myspace... i don't think i can devote the time to the myspace relationship building... shit, SG is now like myspace... welll, kinda...
myspace is a silly thing like that..