Ahhh, so I didn't tell you about my weekend. Not that there was much to tell, but I can't keep coming to my journal and seeing that phone. I want it too badly. So, update it is.
I went out on Saturday to PopRoxx. By myself, because the boy was tired from working all day and needed to rest. I had a pretty good time. 90% of it was good. I saw some friends, and ran into member Heliotropic (no longer active) and hung out with him and his friends for a bit. They all were really awesome.
I saw the ex- one of two of the night. And for once wasn't glared at the entire night. Or maybe it's just that I didn't notice. Usually it's so pathetically obvious, that one can't help but notice. Either way, it was a nice change. Maybe it has something to do with the new friend they made. Who, funny enough, used to be friendly with me but that night I said hello, just trying to kill some time with nice conversation and was asked, "what do you want from me?" . I laughed and said, "nothing. Absolutely nothing" and walked away. I don't have time for that shite. It must be a sad existence to think that everyone who is nice to you is just being so becuase they want something from you. Ah well, if it keeps evil eyes in check and the dramatics down to a minimum then I'm all for it. I guess I did get something out of it, an answer to if him being friends with this other person meant that I should stop recognizing his existance. The answer? yes.
I danced some more, and while doing so an old friend (aquantaince?) tapped me on the shoulder. I hadn't seen them for a while and so I was genuinely happy to. I chatted for a bit, but it was a bit awkward since he is really good friends with my ex. After talking with him, I decided to go home so I went upstairs to go and grab my coat. Who do I run into on my way up, the 2nd ex of the evening. My ex. Who I haven't talked to for about a year, and that conversation wasn't such a good one. I tried to keep my composure. I got my coat and just wanted to leave, oh but no. I was confronted, of course. To which I said, I'm sorry and quickly left the club. Then of course I get confronted again while I wait for a cab outside. *Sigh. The night was going so well. Anyhow, I don't like feeling threatened. I don't like people being aggresive towards me. I also was in no mood to start a scene in front of a club that I frequent quite a bit. So I put my hand on his chest, pushed him gently to arms length and kept it there until a cab came. Then hurriedly got in one when one did.
I'd say the good outweighed the bad that night though. I met really cool people, got to dance, talk to old friends, weeded some of the club friend garden, and got home relatively unscathed. And though I missed my boy being there with me, it was probably best he wasn't as the whole night could have turned out differently.
Sunday we had a BBQ with some neighbors and friends. Perfection.
Now, to get through this week so I can start a new weekend adventure.
Coming up next in my journal: Prom. Stay tuned.
I went out on Saturday to PopRoxx. By myself, because the boy was tired from working all day and needed to rest. I had a pretty good time. 90% of it was good. I saw some friends, and ran into member Heliotropic (no longer active) and hung out with him and his friends for a bit. They all were really awesome.
I saw the ex- one of two of the night. And for once wasn't glared at the entire night. Or maybe it's just that I didn't notice. Usually it's so pathetically obvious, that one can't help but notice. Either way, it was a nice change. Maybe it has something to do with the new friend they made. Who, funny enough, used to be friendly with me but that night I said hello, just trying to kill some time with nice conversation and was asked, "what do you want from me?" . I laughed and said, "nothing. Absolutely nothing" and walked away. I don't have time for that shite. It must be a sad existence to think that everyone who is nice to you is just being so becuase they want something from you. Ah well, if it keeps evil eyes in check and the dramatics down to a minimum then I'm all for it. I guess I did get something out of it, an answer to if him being friends with this other person meant that I should stop recognizing his existance. The answer? yes.
I danced some more, and while doing so an old friend (aquantaince?) tapped me on the shoulder. I hadn't seen them for a while and so I was genuinely happy to. I chatted for a bit, but it was a bit awkward since he is really good friends with my ex. After talking with him, I decided to go home so I went upstairs to go and grab my coat. Who do I run into on my way up, the 2nd ex of the evening. My ex. Who I haven't talked to for about a year, and that conversation wasn't such a good one. I tried to keep my composure. I got my coat and just wanted to leave, oh but no. I was confronted, of course. To which I said, I'm sorry and quickly left the club. Then of course I get confronted again while I wait for a cab outside. *Sigh. The night was going so well. Anyhow, I don't like feeling threatened. I don't like people being aggresive towards me. I also was in no mood to start a scene in front of a club that I frequent quite a bit. So I put my hand on his chest, pushed him gently to arms length and kept it there until a cab came. Then hurriedly got in one when one did.
I'd say the good outweighed the bad that night though. I met really cool people, got to dance, talk to old friends, weeded some of the club friend garden, and got home relatively unscathed. And though I missed my boy being there with me, it was probably best he wasn't as the whole night could have turned out differently.
Sunday we had a BBQ with some neighbors and friends. Perfection.
Now, to get through this week so I can start a new weekend adventure.

Coming up next in my journal: Prom. Stay tuned.
anyway i just wanted torandomly say i think you're really attractive
especially with short hair and gothed up hehe