I'd like to thank:
My boyfriend, for being such a wonderful person and not being mad at me for getting home at 3:30am and driving me to work this morning.
My boss, for not being mad in the slightest for coming into work 40 minutes late and still slightly drunk.
Cafe Centro, for having piping hot coffee and the best strawberry scones.
The people who drove me home last night. Sorry for the bad directions and the whole not remembering your name thing.
The boys ex, for being nice to him. It's nice to see you guys working things out.
The people who watched my drink for me and didn't slip rufies in it.
Kalischild, for being the swarthy cuss that he is. Always makes me laugh. And for reminding me that I need to watch Red VS Blue again.
The bartender at DG for giving me premium when I order well, giving me a red cup so I can drink after last call, giving me doubles, and topping them off multiple times with soda water later in the night when I can't drink it straight anymore.
and The little people. Defintitely the little people
My boyfriend, for being such a wonderful person and not being mad at me for getting home at 3:30am and driving me to work this morning.
My boss, for not being mad in the slightest for coming into work 40 minutes late and still slightly drunk.
Cafe Centro, for having piping hot coffee and the best strawberry scones.
The people who drove me home last night. Sorry for the bad directions and the whole not remembering your name thing.
The boys ex, for being nice to him. It's nice to see you guys working things out.
The people who watched my drink for me and didn't slip rufies in it.
Kalischild, for being the swarthy cuss that he is. Always makes me laugh. And for reminding me that I need to watch Red VS Blue again.
The bartender at DG for giving me premium when I order well, giving me a red cup so I can drink after last call, giving me doubles, and topping them off multiple times with soda water later in the night when I can't drink it straight anymore.
and The little people. Defintitely the little people

sounds like you had a good night. 

I'm so glad you seem happy.