One of my patients at work came in today and started telling us a story about how he got to carry the Olympic Torch for the 1984 Olympic games in LA. He was telling us how the Olympic committee had a contest to guess how long it'd take you to run 1 mile to the nearest second without going over, and X number of people who got closest would be picked to carry the torch during the relay across the country. He ended up guessing 9 minutes 36 seconds, well his time was 9 minutes 36.03 seconds so he was the closest and got to carry the torch in LA. We were enjoying his story then he whipped out this bad boy lol
close up of the top
close up of the stamp

close up of the top

close up of the stamp

Because some people are afraid to get close, I'm afraid. They are afraid of being hurt and or hurting someone else.
Anytime, hon!!