Man I tell ya you know it's bad when someone snaps at you after you say something nice and sweet to them. I mean seriously people wonder why everyone is so hateful and mean all the time, well I'll tell ya it fuckin sucks to give someone a complement and then get a message acting like you just kicked them when they're down. I'll never understand why people act the way they do :-( I'm prolly the most anti-malicious (yes if that's not a word I just made it up! lol) person I know. So everyone chill and learn to accept compliment and sympathy
And have a drink/smoke on me!

And have a drink/smoke on me!
My current (and last) wife PrincessT sought help several years ago for bipolar and has change her and our families life for the best.
But then again...I guess there are mean people out there...mean people suck.