- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
- on what are you listening to at this very moment? in music
Tagged by @sdawg74
Favorite band/artist?
Orden Ogan (every musician in that band is fucking phenomenal)
Favorite song all time or recent?
(All time)The Monolith Deathcult "Connect the goddamn dots" (technical death metal with Alex Jones snippets. Need I say more?)
(Recent) I've been listening to Dartagnans "westwind" at least 3 or 4 times a day lately. Feel good happy folk metal
Favorite album?
Nicumo "Inertia"...
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Babysitting my nephew for the first time today. I can deal with the diaper changes, the crying, even getting puked on but i dont think i can survive one more listen of that fucking song!!! T_T.

One more week and it's back to Europe for metal days :D
Everyone's too busy to get baked and see Jurassic World tonight. :( what kind of person says no to weed and dinosaurs?

Anyone else planning to check this out? I've been a fan of Terrence since Repo: The Genetic Opera and just stumbled across the tour poster.
Off to Europe for drunken adventures and the Metaldays festival :)

Alcohol influenced eBay purchase of the month
Is it morally wrong to consider muting the episode of Franklin your nephew is watching and seeing how it syncs up to the audio from an episode of Metalocalypse?