Still placeholder. Sorry. Been ambushed by some stuff - hope to be able to get back to my point next week.
More Blogs
Tuesday Nov 07, 2006
Let us speak of my new laptop I wish not to brag about its shin… -
Tuesday Oct 03, 2006
So for the past couple of evenings my ears have been firmly back in t… -
Saturday Sep 30, 2006
Dot's back! I was all worried, but for nothing! Dot's back! That… -
Friday Sep 15, 2006
Apnea, India, Liante and now Dot. It's almost official, the leftmost… -
Sunday Aug 27, 2006
Finally got around to putting some text in the "About me" post. It's… -
Sunday Aug 13, 2006
Some random pieces of good news from this week. My mother has star… -
Monday Jul 03, 2006
Current favourite memory, from last week. Standing on the jetty at… -
Wednesday May 17, 2006
Busy. Stupidly busy. Crazy-busy. Crazy-busy at work and at home an… -
Wednesday Apr 05, 2006
Most of the time I'm rather prissily proud of only ever wanting to po… -
Saturday Feb 18, 2006
This afternoon, in conversation with the laid-back clerk of the rathe…
Four hundred years ago people knew little about our
tarnished universe. They thought that the earth was the
center of the entire anvil and that the sun and all of the
conifers revolved around it. But then a/an
Kenyan named Copernicus discovered the truth.
The earth revolves around the Sean from the IT department
34 times a year.
Copernicus, whose last name was Eisenhorn, was born
in Warsaw, and he used one of the first dated
telescopes, which was invented by Aya.
This primitive telescope was little more than two pieces of
gnocchi stuck on each end of a/an woomera.
In 1600 an Italian writer named Galileo
expanded Copernicus's broken theories, but during the
Inquisition in Italy he was wistfully arrested. After
heartstring for six months in jail, Galileo was
forced to antagonise .