Unless you're one of those freakish morning people who bounce out of bed half an hour before dawn grinning from ear to ear, you'll probably be familiar with FMMS - Five More Minutes Syndrome. You know you want to get up, you know you SHOULD get up, you might even be willing your limbs to move. But great lord in heaven, that beautiful, delicious warmth and heaviness in your body just doesn't want to let you go. "Five more minutes", you think. "I can just have another five minutes until I get up and face the world".
I think that at the moment I have FMMS of the creative glands. (Or whatever one draws on when writing.) I had projects out the arse for the first few months of the year and was crunching like crazy up until about mid-April - enjoyable crunching, mark you, but still. Then I had what was meant to be a week or so's break, just to rest, you know, just to enjoy having a few post-day-job weeknights to kick back and see movies and get reconnected with friends.
Well, that's gone on for about two months now, and I'm realising that I'm just procrastinating again. I've gotten too used to indolent evenings, stopping for coffee on the way home from work and staying there for two hours, crappy evening TV, surfing and reading and walks through the suburbs late at night. So now, although I'm meant to be kicking some new projects into high gear about now, I keep thinking "just a little while more. Just another couple of nights of lazing. This relaxing thing feels so gooood. Five more minutes."
I'm shit at mornings. Will actually knowing what i'm doing here help with this at all? I'll see.
*Tomorrow* night I'll start my stuff. Honest
I think that at the moment I have FMMS of the creative glands. (Or whatever one draws on when writing.) I had projects out the arse for the first few months of the year and was crunching like crazy up until about mid-April - enjoyable crunching, mark you, but still. Then I had what was meant to be a week or so's break, just to rest, you know, just to enjoy having a few post-day-job weeknights to kick back and see movies and get reconnected with friends.
Well, that's gone on for about two months now, and I'm realising that I'm just procrastinating again. I've gotten too used to indolent evenings, stopping for coffee on the way home from work and staying there for two hours, crappy evening TV, surfing and reading and walks through the suburbs late at night. So now, although I'm meant to be kicking some new projects into high gear about now, I keep thinking "just a little while more. Just another couple of nights of lazing. This relaxing thing feels so gooood. Five more minutes."
I'm shit at mornings. Will actually knowing what i'm doing here help with this at all? I'll see.
*Tomorrow* night I'll start my stuff. Honest