Apnea, India, Liante and now Dot. It's almost official, the leftmost spot in my "Favourite SuicideGirls" section is the Suicide GIrls' departure lounge. I think just about every single SG I've listed in there has left the site not long after. I hope it's nothing I said frown

It also presents me with a problem. When each girl leaves I tend to put someone else up...
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Finally got around to putting some text in the "About me" post. It's from a Michael Moorcock novella called "Ancient Shadows", part of his Legends From The End of Time collection, and every time I go back and read the End of TIme stories I'm blown away by them. Gorgeous, rich dialogue and settings, the weirdest little society I think I've ever seen in a...
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well, as i'm sure you have noticed, from a photography standpoint everything here looks the same. they seem to be quite reluctant to accept anything that breaks that mold unfortunately. frown
Some random pieces of good news from this week.

My mother has started on some anti-spasmotic meds that are helping her back out immensely.

The bat that I thought we killed accidentally when we were cutting firewood the other day seems to still be alive, since when we looked in the hollow log where we put him after we found him he was nowhere to...
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good interpretation on kafka. I wish I read that before I finished the book though, i think i would of appreciated it more. or mayber it's your writing...

and about that bat..what if some wild animal just ate it from the log? I had baby mice one time and some animal broke through the box and chewed those little muffins good. i was upset.
oh yes and i hope you don't turn into a cockroach either..but if you do i won't look at you any differenlty. skull

Re: "Astonishing Stories" -

No, I don't own it. I was vaguely looking for a picture of The Shadow to use as an avatar. I found lots, but I also found that Astonishing Stories and I thought it was a funny pic.
Current favourite memory, from last week.

Standing on the jetty at a little coastal town halfway across the continent from where I live. Dusk, ocean, wind, water against the pilings. Not another living soul in sight, not even birds. Lights from the shipping terminal on the opposite headland behind me, the sky to the northwest washed all in orange and fading fast. Giant rainclouds stacked...
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Thank you for the sweet comment on my debut set! smile kiss
Busy. Stupidly busy. Crazy-busy. Crazy-busy at work and at home and with the family and in every other damn way I care to look at it. Earlier this year I got a couple of big projects out of the way and thought I was home and hosed, time to catch my breath, my evenings belonged to me again.


Somehow I've got myself in deeper...
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hit the bio page http://www.stilltanya.com/
the F stands for Forecast
Most of the time I'm rather prissily proud of only ever wanting to post well-thought-out, perfectly composed and elegantly written journal posts. It makes me feel highbrow. It has its downsides, though, like tonight when I really feel like spilling stuff out, everything from whimsy (I'm turning into a fountain-pen nerd) to venting (my favourite local LAN gaming den is starting to get really seedy...
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oh and mulled cider
Ice cream flavours that remind us of more innocent times are always good flavours. smile
This afternoon, in conversation with the laid-back clerk of the rather cool little bookshop where I go occasionally, this young man with the impressive shock of indie-rocker hair complimented me on my apparently expert pronunciation of Chuck Palahniuk's surname.

It's twenty to four in the morning and I'm too frazzled to be completely sure, but I think this means I may have some cred left.
Thank you so much for your support.
I think I may be a minor character in a Japanese horror flick.

Earlier this evening, you see, I ducked back into the office during the evening to collect a bag of stuff I'd left at my desk, and while I was there I stopped off to use the loo. Said loo is in the depths of the building, with ventilation but no natural light,...
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Yes, they took my army.
On the upside, the new Tau stuff is coming out soon - maybe I'll buy a new one smile
Well, that was weird. Did anyone else just lose their "Favourite SuicideGirl" selections?
I've played it in passing - it does encapsulate 40K fairly well in that it is focused on actual confrontation, but I'd still rather play a game of 40K (with my Tau, who aren't playable).

Starcraft is much more about micromanagement which is why I suppose it appeals to me. smile
Happy belated Birthday smile

And the new codex isn't out yet.
Not till next year, and it looks like a split launch.
Apropos of a comment I made on Palo's journal, I've been motivated to go and track down the lyrics to a Hoodoo Gurus song that's in my head every couple of days at least.


Oh, the nights are long
And I'm so tired of waking up tired,
Man, they just drag on and on
And I'm so tired of waking up tired.
The company...
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Oh, I know... someday this will all seem comparatively happy and carefree. I'm aware of it even as time slips by: as sucky as being a student can be at times, at least I've finally gotten reasonably good at it. Shifting to the workforce means having to learn all those coping skills all over again. Blargh.

I can't study by highlighting alone. wink

My method is: Read once before class; read again during class to note the major points discussed there; read a third time with the highlighter; summarize both case and highlighted points; summarize the summary; take exam.
Still placeholder. Sorry. Been ambushed by some stuff - hope to be able to get back to my point next week.
I'm sorry about your mother..If you need someone to talk to, I'm around and always willing to listen. kiss

Four hundred years ago people knew little about our
tarnished universe. They thought that the earth was the
center of the entire anvil and that the sun and all of the
conifers revolved around it. But then a/an
Kenyan named Copernicus discovered the truth.
The earth revolves around the Sean from the IT department
34 times a year.

Copernicus, whose last name was Eisenhorn, was born
in Warsaw, and he used one of the first dated
telescopes, which was invented by Aya.
This primitive telescope was little more than two pieces of
gnocchi stuck on each end of a/an woomera.
In 1600 an Italian writer named Galileo
expanded Copernicus's broken theories, but during the
Inquisition in Italy he was wistfully arrested. After
heartstring for six months in jail, Galileo was
forced to antagonise .
It's actually kind of a strange feeling, liking one's life.

Or rather, it's strange to suddenly realise that that's how you feel.

This is by way of being a placeholder; I shall elaborate at some point soon.
I shall report back immediately.

One of the best writing tips I got about writing sex (which also applies to writing violence, for whatever you want to read into that) was to do two exercises with any sex scene you write.

Firstly, take the scene, chop it up into sentences, phrases or words, jumble it about with any similar scene from another book, make the necessary name changes and then plug it back into the story you got it from. Has this appreciably affected how it works in the story?

Secondly, repeat the exercise, but swap it with a different sex scene from the same story. Again, does the story suffer at all? Do either of the scenes?

If any of the answers are "no", then you've got some rewriting to do.

The point of this, of course, being that the scenes shouldn't be interchangeable: just because it's about people fucking doesn't mean it shouldn't be serving the story with something that advances the plot, something that shows something new about the characters or the setting, whatever. The important thing is that the story not be in stasis while the fucking goes on. Perhaps the writers of bad erotica have lost track of this?

What I was about to type here was "on the other hand, maybe the rules are a little different in a piece specifically designed as erotica", but on reflection I'm not sure I'm convinced of that. Does intending to arouse free you from obligations to storytelling? I wouldn't buy that argument from a horror writer who made a similar claim about the intent to scare, for example.

If you could find a way to disseminate this wisdom to the masses, I would sing your praises to my dying day.