That should be the Republican campaign slogan. All we hear about is Paul Ryan's plan. It's very easy for an upper class or upper middle class white middle aged person to say let's cut Medicare and Medicaid. Have him walk in our shoes or roll on our wheels for a day. Hell he wouldn't last an hour.
Quietly during Obama's 1st years he basically signed into fast track certain chronic illnesses for Social Security Disability. The Democrat's Health Care Bill eliminated denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions and dropping coverage because of a developed medical condition. But, the health care law sucks.
10 Multi-billion dollar corporations made massive profits last year and paid little to no tax because of the current tax code. The tax rate DECREASES rather than increases the higher up on the income level you go. What? How does this make? So they'll take away my small disability check and my parents' or grandparents' so they can hand it over to the Upper Class of America?
OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE CLASS WAR! Because the bottom line of all this; is killing the middle-class.
But, this isn't a political blog. Just one poor guy, fighting a daily struggle against Multiple Sclerosis.
Day 295: Belly
The belly injections always go so easy. Probably because of the pillow I carry on there.
If you've read this blog before you'll remember that the hip injections SUUUUUUCK! Yesterday was no better and today, I wake up with a pretty big bruise right over my right hip injection site. A bit painful and slightly itchy. I can live with it though.
I was feeling pretty good actually. Even went to Target to get some things for my little boy's Easter basket. Spent 3 hours at Target looking at and picking things out. It was actually a really good day today. Let's hope they stay that way.
Live well. Be well. No regrets.
That should be the Republican campaign slogan. All we hear about is Paul Ryan's plan. It's very easy for an upper class or upper middle class white middle aged person to say let's cut Medicare and Medicaid. Have him walk in our shoes or roll on our wheels for a day. Hell he wouldn't last an hour.
Quietly during Obama's 1st years he basically signed into fast track certain chronic illnesses for Social Security Disability. The Democrat's Health Care Bill eliminated denying healthcare for pre-existing conditions and dropping coverage because of a developed medical condition. But, the health care law sucks.
10 Multi-billion dollar corporations made massive profits last year and paid little to no tax because of the current tax code. The tax rate DECREASES rather than increases the higher up on the income level you go. What? How does this make? So they'll take away my small disability check and my parents' or grandparents' so they can hand it over to the Upper Class of America?
OPEN YOUR EYES AND SEE THE CLASS WAR! Because the bottom line of all this; is killing the middle-class.
But, this isn't a political blog. Just one poor guy, fighting a daily struggle against Multiple Sclerosis.
Day 295: Belly
The belly injections always go so easy. Probably because of the pillow I carry on there.
If you've read this blog before you'll remember that the hip injections SUUUUUUCK! Yesterday was no better and today, I wake up with a pretty big bruise right over my right hip injection site. A bit painful and slightly itchy. I can live with it though.
I was feeling pretty good actually. Even went to Target to get some things for my little boy's Easter basket. Spent 3 hours at Target looking at and picking things out. It was actually a really good day today. Let's hope they stay that way.
Live well. Be well. No regrets.