Trick or Treat
Written by Magan S Edinger
March 28th, 2008
Lies and deceit
Trick or treat
Maybe it stems from conceit
Written words to delight
His dreamgirl
How these words excite
No commitments to anyone
And I was stupid enough to of believed
Blinded by love
Soon to be deceived
A heart promised to another
But no intention to let me know
He says he does not love her
But she says they are to be married
And her to be his children's mother
Love eternal
He says to nocturnal
Now that I am back in his life
He feels some completion
He said his completion lays with me
I make him complete?
Lies! Lies! Lies!
Fucking Deceit!
Trick or Treat
Keep himself emotionally saved
For the one he truly loves
How bright our future is paved
They feed you promises
Never intended to be kept
You whole heartedly accept
Words of fairytale love
From someone of
a false heart
who had every intention of staying apart
Trick or Treat
Another defeat
Written by Magan S Edinger
March 28th, 2008
Lies and deceit
Trick or treat
Maybe it stems from conceit
Written words to delight
His dreamgirl
How these words excite
No commitments to anyone
And I was stupid enough to of believed
Blinded by love
Soon to be deceived
A heart promised to another
But no intention to let me know
He says he does not love her
But she says they are to be married
And her to be his children's mother
Love eternal
He says to nocturnal
Now that I am back in his life
He feels some completion
He said his completion lays with me
I make him complete?
Lies! Lies! Lies!
Fucking Deceit!
Trick or Treat
Keep himself emotionally saved
For the one he truly loves
How bright our future is paved
They feed you promises
Never intended to be kept
You whole heartedly accept
Words of fairytale love
From someone of
a false heart
who had every intention of staying apart
Trick or Treat
Another defeat