So lets first kick this off with this weeks homework :) - by @missy & @rambo
your guilty pleasures;
Yeah well i have plenty of those!
Jumpers tho have to be my major one - Big warm comfortable jumpers <3 lets face it they are just so darn cosy and make they me so darn happy. Literally my favorite thing to shop for, my family hates it, as i tend to go for the as they call it "the granny" jumpers/cardies with the worse "damn patterns" BUT DARN IT I JUST LOVE THEM.
- lets face it nothing in this world is better than curling up in a cosy jumpers when im poorly or just being lazy... Although most have mine have mystically gone missing over the years.
Dying my hair- Close second; i can't help it i always plan on staying brunette but then my head just misses colour to much! - oh yeah guys! i'm not a brunette anymore ;) we all knew it was gonna happen sooner or later...
Oh heres a bit of a catch up/ rant etc!
“Being young and sick is sorta like being elderly, except we lack the reflection on all the great times and great things we did long ago. Instead, we watch our peers make the memories and strides they’ll look back on fondly, bitterly observing and praying for our chance. Our time.”
" I’m so sick of being stereotyped because of my age. Stop telling me I’m too young to be sick. No one is too young to be sick. I’m told this by everyone, including doctors. Yes doctors. The people that are supposed to help you. I’m written off and pushed aside in the medical field because this “couldn’t possibly be happening to me, you’re too young.” Enough. I’m not a number, I’m a person and I matter." - unknown
- oh my; im at the start of the worse flare up ever which equals a constant state of existential crisis. Some things just seem so darn pointless right now; i just wanna pretend like non of this is happening but of course by body isn't going to let that happen. If being in the mist of a epic flare up isn't enough; i have to deal with epically stupid faced people whom truely seem to believe if i was just positive enough everything would be magically ok... WELL GO FUCK YOURSELF...
But hey; i had a good run i have had like a month or so where i was able to go out & see people so i guess i shouldn't feel so darn angry.but i can be a highly stubborn person, and are times when i just fight my body; tooth and nail to live my life and its truly worth it; it may seem silly but i will not risk my mind for the sake of my body; sometimes the constant act of staying inside and pacing oneself works to do nothing but to drive one mad. “Unbeing dead isn’t being alive.” - e.e. cummings
thanks man :) @wizard0
@noctuam Too young, that is one of the lamest things I have ever heard. You for sure are a person and have every right to be treated that way. If they can't do anything, let them say it. Being open about this is better (been there with my health) than saying such stuppid things (getting mad again). <333