Last Preview of my new upcoming set before i finish editing it & upload it too members review...
So today's been the most stressful day ever, realised i had to find like £500 for my interviews to get to all my four uni interviews which are around the country :/
So i've started a go fund me account as well as selling things in order to try make the money so i have i can go to my interviews, no interviews no uni next year :'(
Here's the Link for my GOFUNDME page
If anyone helps even in the slightest please let me know and ill try sending a print out as a thank you.
So @missy has been asking all the SG's this week what inspired you to become a suicidegirl ? Or Hopeful in my case!?
I was extremely unhealthy, diagnosed with Fibromyalia, and starting to hate my body, so my ex boyfriend and @felis suggested becoming part of this community & its honestly the best thing i ever did, i've never felt better about myself.
SHORT entry i know but today's so weird. i just can't.