Its amazing how making the effort to put make up on can make you feel so much better sometimes!
i LOVE my old vintage dress; had this years and i still love it <3
So it sunday guys
From my soon to be uploaded to MR set Home By Midnight.
This is from a set i shot that i'm still not totally sure about it but i love this picture.
My face in this makes me giggle everytime!
Feeling low again; stressing out and just wanting to sleep but its not happening at the moment; so i am pretty fed up... Just feel alone; and let i am just pissing everyone off :/
but hey i have some new take outs.
Sneaky nipple
Its amazing how making the effort to put make up on can make you feel so much better sometimes!
i LOVE my old vintage dress; had this years and i still love it <3
So it sunday guys
From my soon to be uploaded to MR set Home By Midnight.
This is from a set i shot that i'm still not totally sure about it but i love this picture.
My face in this makes me giggle everytime!
Feeling low again; stressing out and just wanting to sleep but its not happening at the moment; so i am pretty fed up... Just feel alone; and let i am just pissing everyone off :/
but hey i have some new take outs.
Sneaky nipple
Hehe that's okay, I like to get comments on here
Always a nice surprise. Hit the nail on the head exactly with the tank being so large! We have a drawer set-up for the royals and people often seem to think its cruel that theyre not in huge tanks etc etc, but you're right, it just freaks them out and they don't eat properly etc. We have two babies going soon but I'm not sure if the owner of daddy snake might want them, if he does, we have a fresh new batch in 2 months all being well haha
Well I'll definitely know what we have! Like I said, the owner of daddy snake may want some and we've had a few people interested already but people can be flakey so I'm sure we will have something! You could pop in and see the mumma snake then as well haha. Ill be in touch! And you will probably see updates with the babies on here too, we are still waiting for her to lay, almost a week late already! Last snake was ten days late so its not a worry, we are just impatient haha.