I've been editing an new set which hopefully be uploaded to MR soon.
Shot by Mr Brian Gamble
So i have been pretty fed up lately; sick of having no money and always feeling shit and ill; but you know what who cares! Tbh, when i think about it i am the luckiest girl in the world, i have the sexiest friends BluVulpeskay and Felis_ and the most lovely supporters and the best boyfriend and hey; if it wasn't for everything holding me back getting where i am now wouldn't mean anything. In reality, my illness and background just make me more proud of what i have achieved. I wouldn't even be on Suicide Girls if not for my illness, the broken nature of my body made me so shamed and repulsed that i needed to do something to prove to myself it isn't all bad!
Now; theres two girls that have really made me realise that i am perfectly fine the way i am but at the same time make me wanna make the best of myself and i know i go on about them all the time, but they honestly have snapped me out of my day to day cycle of feeling sorry for myself; Blu & Vulpeskay. They are probably sick of me mentioning them by now but they inspire me on a day to day basis; they are the kind of people that make everyone stand up and fight for something better, the kind of people whom are so beautiful because their soul just shines out.
For those of you that don't know i have been diagnosed with Fibromyalia; Chronic pain sydrome; depression and anxiety. And you know something; there is nothing wrong with that; i am faulty but noones perfect and you know something i have spent so long surviving i forgot how to live; i know so many people that waste their days and you know something being ill constantly makes me truly valve the days i have which i feel even half okay on. I am sick of people using excuses and then being fed up that they are going nowhere; id rather be ill and truly value and work for what i want than sit around waiting for help from others to get me where i think i should be.
Rant over sorry guys!
today i was tidying my room and i realised i had like 5 pairs of shorts/jeans/leggings theres no wonder i never have anything to wear i am in desperate need of bottoms! But i have no money so if anyone wants to donate me some clothes or anything
Its times like this its probably a good thing i don't go out much!
Peter Capaldi as Caecilius and John Frobisher
remember when we were all worried that they couldnt find an actor who HADNT been in doctor who" well they didnt even try
this has really upset me; the doctor saved his ass from burning and now he's the doctor; this is maddness! its gonna stress me out watching him as the doctor cause all im gonna see is an roman in a dress
wanna see some of my artwork? Maybe yes?
Anyway; I have a busy day tomorrow so ill have to love and leave you until then
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Instagram - (newnamechange) weelittlegingerbread