Things To Do In Tuskegee When You're Black
Volunteer to lay down your life ...
... for a country and people who think that you're dog shit they accidentally stepped in, kick unprecidented ass in WW2, and get hassled, insulted and denegrated---before, during, and after doing it---by a bunch of white people whose lives you just saved.
This is one of those periodic finds in the annals of history, these feeble-minded, knuckle-dragging things that my grandfather's generation did, that almost makes you embarassed to be white.
"Hello, is this the residence of white people circa 1945? Hi there, just wanted to let you know that for all the courageous good you did in defeating The Axis, there's a side of you that is going to make most of your descendants deeply ashamed and possibly nauseous."
Contract Syphilis and die an unnecessary death.
Even I am somewhat at a loss for words here. The only one that comes to mind is "evil." Great, gaping, psychotic evil, of the Elevator-Going-Down variety. Everyone associated with that killing-spree-dressed-as-science-project is a serial killer, and I, for one, hope that every last one of them is already melting somewhere near the core of hell.
What the fuck is wrong with this Tuskegee place, anyway? Oh yeah, it's in Alabama.

... for a country and people who think that you're dog shit they accidentally stepped in, kick unprecidented ass in WW2, and get hassled, insulted and denegrated---before, during, and after doing it---by a bunch of white people whose lives you just saved.
This is one of those periodic finds in the annals of history, these feeble-minded, knuckle-dragging things that my grandfather's generation did, that almost makes you embarassed to be white.
"Hello, is this the residence of white people circa 1945? Hi there, just wanted to let you know that for all the courageous good you did in defeating The Axis, there's a side of you that is going to make most of your descendants deeply ashamed and possibly nauseous."

Even I am somewhat at a loss for words here. The only one that comes to mind is "evil." Great, gaping, psychotic evil, of the Elevator-Going-Down variety. Everyone associated with that killing-spree-dressed-as-science-project is a serial killer, and I, for one, hope that every last one of them is already melting somewhere near the core of hell.
What the fuck is wrong with this Tuskegee place, anyway? Oh yeah, it's in Alabama.
The south is a different planet. It's like earth's second cousin.

Time to update you lazy cockknocker. Look, the rest of us are doing our part, WTF could you have to do that is more important than SG, huh? Video game immersion does not constitute a job, yo