Injury update: NoControl is listed as DOUBTFUL for this week's game.
Resident cranky old bastard NoControl suffered a mild concussion last night when, while dreaming that the telephone was ringing, he vaulted himself up out of bed to answer it, smashing with full force into one of the low ceiling beams just above his bed. While sitting upon the bedroom floor, dazed and confused, blood began pouring down his forehead and neck, streaming from an enormous gash atop his skull. After getting the rampant bleeding under control, NC was said to be feeling "woozy and disoriented", but otherwise ok. While the woozy feeling continues today, NC is reportedly up and about today with no serious side effects, other than a massive lump on the head, a dull achy feeling and a sense of general relief that nobody was around to see him crack his noggin like that.
Ouch. Fuck. Ouch. I really can't believe I did that. I'm fine, I swear, but that really fucking hurt.
Tall person + low ceiling =
Resident cranky old bastard NoControl suffered a mild concussion last night when, while dreaming that the telephone was ringing, he vaulted himself up out of bed to answer it, smashing with full force into one of the low ceiling beams just above his bed. While sitting upon the bedroom floor, dazed and confused, blood began pouring down his forehead and neck, streaming from an enormous gash atop his skull. After getting the rampant bleeding under control, NC was said to be feeling "woozy and disoriented", but otherwise ok. While the woozy feeling continues today, NC is reportedly up and about today with no serious side effects, other than a massive lump on the head, a dull achy feeling and a sense of general relief that nobody was around to see him crack his noggin like that.

Ouch. Fuck. Ouch. I really can't believe I did that. I'm fine, I swear, but that really fucking hurt.

Tall person + low ceiling =

thanks for the well wishes i'm sure it's all going to be fine. just wish it was all done you know?