Good news: It is snowing in Richmond tonight!
It's 15 degrees outside right now...with the wind chill, it's actually below 10...did I mention that I love winter? It's one of the few things that actually makes me happy anymore...
UPDATE: It's going to be 10 degrees tonight WITHOUT the wind chill. I must be stark-raving mad, but this kind of weather makes me one contented motherfucker.
The Song of the Fucking Year
Stop me if you've heard this one before:
A man walks into a bar and leaves before his ashes hit the floor.
Stop me if I ever get that far.
The sun's a desperate star that burns like every single one before.
And I could find another dream,
one that keeps me warm and clean
but I ain't dreamin' anymore, I'm waking up.
So I'll take two of what you're having and I'll take everything you got
to kill this goddamn lonely, goddamn lonely love.
Fuckin' A, Jason. Fuckin' A, right.

It's 15 degrees outside right now...with the wind chill, it's actually below 10...did I mention that I love winter? It's one of the few things that actually makes me happy anymore...
UPDATE: It's going to be 10 degrees tonight WITHOUT the wind chill. I must be stark-raving mad, but this kind of weather makes me one contented motherfucker.

The Song of the Fucking Year
Stop me if you've heard this one before:
A man walks into a bar and leaves before his ashes hit the floor.
Stop me if I ever get that far.
The sun's a desperate star that burns like every single one before.
And I could find another dream,
one that keeps me warm and clean
but I ain't dreamin' anymore, I'm waking up.
So I'll take two of what you're having and I'll take everything you got
to kill this goddamn lonely, goddamn lonely love.
Fuckin' A, Jason. Fuckin' A, right.

The Happiest of Holidays to You, honey...