My new TV is great. HDTV is amazing. Playing XBox that size is quite an experience. Regular channels kinda look like shit, but oh well...the HD makes up for it. Anyway, on to why I came here...
102 degrees in Richmond, VA is way too damn hot. This is some fucking bullshit, let me tell you. I could have stayed in Arizona if I wanted to put up with this crap. I left for that very reason. Make it stop. Make it stop now, please.
102 degrees in Richmond, VA is way too damn hot. This is some fucking bullshit, let me tell you. I could have stayed in Arizona if I wanted to put up with this crap. I left for that very reason. Make it stop. Make it stop now, please.

We've maybe hit 100 today, and the next 2 days will be similar.... I work (partially outdoors) the next 2 days....