Well, I think we as Americans should stop bitching about gas prices starting now. I was just looking at other major countries' gas prices in US dollars. The average in all of these other countries is higher than the national average of the US.
It looks like a white American working on a fucking military installation was responsible for the entire Anthrax scare.
Apparently, George W. Bush knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq BEFORE Congress declared war. Some dude just released a book in which he claims (and it just seems a little TOO conspiracy theory-ish too NOT be true) that White House representatives told the CIA to forge the letter claiming that Saddam had WMD's. I mean, yeah, he was a ruthless dictator, but he did a better job of keeping terrorists out of Iraq than we are, and I truly feel that when we leave, all these "terrorists" will calm the fuck down as well.
The Sunni-Shiite war will probably continue for a while, but come on. Christians spent several centuries fighting a religious full on religious war in that region, so why is it such a big deal for two religious sects to be fighting a war somewhere else? Oh yeah, I forgot, there are oil refineries there now and this country can't get it's teeth off the teat of big oil. I'm not seperating myself from the average oil-addicted American, but I completely disagree with the fact that Exxon Mobil is making $1500 a SECOND, is getting insanely large tax breaks, and can't lower gas prices under $3. Do John McCain and the majority of Americans really think that even in the LONG-term, offshore drilling will lower gas prices? What fucking dolts. Oil has this country by the balls and as long as we still need it, we'll keep getting fucked raw-dog with a cactus by the corporations that control it. Get used to it, because that's the way 69% of you want it anyways.
Biodeisel and electric would be much better choices. Hell, if it was legal and I knew how to build a moonshine still and run a car off of the stuff, I would do that. It would be readily available. The problem with biodeisel and electric stations is that they are scattered and sparse, and we would rather build new oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and new refineries and rigs in Alaska instead of more electric or biodeisel stations.
Oh, and for my last part of the rant, I really can't believe that they're gonna try and execute a Pakistani mother of three because they "can't find Osama Bin Laden" or anybody better. Fucking ridiculous. If anybody who reads this considers it treason or some such nonsense, go fuck yourself. I have never said I wasn't proud to be an American or even to be in the Army, but if you are one of those ignorant people who think that this country is PERFECT, do some real research and get out of my face. If you're gonna tell me you're ashamed I'm an American and you don't even work (in ANY capacity) for the government, do the rest of us a favor and go fuck yourself.
I really needed to get all that off my chest. If you actually read to the end and you don't hate me, thank you. If you DO hate me after reading that, just read the last three words of that last paragraph again a couple times.

It looks like a white American working on a fucking military installation was responsible for the entire Anthrax scare.
Apparently, George W. Bush knew that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq BEFORE Congress declared war. Some dude just released a book in which he claims (and it just seems a little TOO conspiracy theory-ish too NOT be true) that White House representatives told the CIA to forge the letter claiming that Saddam had WMD's. I mean, yeah, he was a ruthless dictator, but he did a better job of keeping terrorists out of Iraq than we are, and I truly feel that when we leave, all these "terrorists" will calm the fuck down as well.
The Sunni-Shiite war will probably continue for a while, but come on. Christians spent several centuries fighting a religious full on religious war in that region, so why is it such a big deal for two religious sects to be fighting a war somewhere else? Oh yeah, I forgot, there are oil refineries there now and this country can't get it's teeth off the teat of big oil. I'm not seperating myself from the average oil-addicted American, but I completely disagree with the fact that Exxon Mobil is making $1500 a SECOND, is getting insanely large tax breaks, and can't lower gas prices under $3. Do John McCain and the majority of Americans really think that even in the LONG-term, offshore drilling will lower gas prices? What fucking dolts. Oil has this country by the balls and as long as we still need it, we'll keep getting fucked raw-dog with a cactus by the corporations that control it. Get used to it, because that's the way 69% of you want it anyways.
Biodeisel and electric would be much better choices. Hell, if it was legal and I knew how to build a moonshine still and run a car off of the stuff, I would do that. It would be readily available. The problem with biodeisel and electric stations is that they are scattered and sparse, and we would rather build new oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and new refineries and rigs in Alaska instead of more electric or biodeisel stations.
Oh, and for my last part of the rant, I really can't believe that they're gonna try and execute a Pakistani mother of three because they "can't find Osama Bin Laden" or anybody better. Fucking ridiculous. If anybody who reads this considers it treason or some such nonsense, go fuck yourself. I have never said I wasn't proud to be an American or even to be in the Army, but if you are one of those ignorant people who think that this country is PERFECT, do some real research and get out of my face. If you're gonna tell me you're ashamed I'm an American and you don't even work (in ANY capacity) for the government, do the rest of us a favor and go fuck yourself.
I really needed to get all that off my chest. If you actually read to the end and you don't hate me, thank you. If you DO hate me after reading that, just read the last three words of that last paragraph again a couple times.

No worries. And thank you. <3
from the first sentence on i was in love with your blog.