hmm.. i cant wait.. my mom goes out of town this thursday... well.. technically out of country.. and yes... im a one of those lame people that still live at home with his/her parents... thats only cuz i just got outta jail tho... as soon as i get a couple of paychecks in from my job im gettin the hell outta here..
slipknot is in a couple of weeks! *yay* i think i've finally decided to continue my life as a celebate male.. either that or i finally fell off the 'high horse' of a male going through his peak sex drive... maybe i should go to the doctor... or meet some better women =)
work sucks.. i just add things to peoples medical records all day..
i think i need to go to a psychologist.. i think all the dope i've smoked in my life (over 9.5 years) really fucked my head up.. nothin like bein a tweeker for that long and then trying to live life sober..
life sucks
slipknot is in a couple of weeks! *yay* i think i've finally decided to continue my life as a celebate male.. either that or i finally fell off the 'high horse' of a male going through his peak sex drive... maybe i should go to the doctor... or meet some better women =)
work sucks.. i just add things to peoples medical records all day..
i think i need to go to a psychologist.. i think all the dope i've smoked in my life (over 9.5 years) really fucked my head up.. nothin like bein a tweeker for that long and then trying to live life sober..
life sucks
ur sooo lucky ur goin to the slipknot concert! me and all my friends here have been wanting to go for soo long but we didn't have money untill it was sold out.