alright peeps... tomorrow morning i start my new job at the institute of bone and joint disorders!! w00t... my first time working in almost 2 years... damn.. and the really weird part.. i have all these other companies calling me like mad crazy offering me jobs.. this data entry job just called me like 30 minutes ago and offered me atleast $12 if i go and work for them instead of where im at now.. (im only making $9 at where im at right now) and they even said depending on how fast i type they might even bump me up a little bit more... (cuz my resume says approx 100wpm) only bad part is the fact the data entry job is over at like 1259 e washington over in tempe.... and i live in north phoenix with no car.. as it is i have to catch the bus down to the biltmore medical mall (22nd st and camelback) all the way from 19th ave and union hills dr...
i dunno.. maybe i should take up one of these offers for a job with higher pay.. or take on one as a second part time job or something..
but thats it.. wish me luck peeps!
i dunno.. maybe i should take up one of these offers for a job with higher pay.. or take on one as a second part time job or something..
but thats it.. wish me luck peeps!