so last night was the OXXXES show at PS211. fucking awesome as always. those guys just make me wanna squeal like a little girl and throw my panties at them... uh i mean.... THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS ROCK MAN!!! i was the drunk guy up fromt for a while just rocking out in my own little world then they asked people to come onstage so i rocked the tambourine like a madman for a few songs. awesome. lots of charlotte people came - luke, erin, and i, casey, kevin, kaylyssa, james, kara, melvin, elliot... um i think that's it. it was an awesome night of enebriation and loudness. the opening band "more dogs" were pretty awesome in their own peculiar way. kinda like classical circus rock. kinda. all i remember from the ride home is an outkast aquemini sing-along. spotieotiedopalicious. i will no longer be working for the radio station after about 3 or 4 weeks. i'm going to work full time for my dad renovating houses and shit and have a work truck and all that because i'm badass. like a midget in a leather jacket. or something. shut up.
i got hit by one about four days ago.
haven't been in hawaii for months now. i think the taxi accident was a sign that i need to get out of new york . .
and go back home to hang out with my mom
i love that song 'spottieottiedopaliscious'.