God i'm so fuckingh drunk. What kiond of weding reception has a six shooter beer bong? A fucking good one I tells ya. So I had to tape the whole wedding. And I just fucking spelt that wrong, so what ya wanna fight about it? Anyway, it's weird cause i'm on the alter and I know that people are loooking at me, by the way I am very self consious, and as I'm looking at the screen on the camera it does not matter. I'ts like i'm in a different world and i'm watching theses people. Wierd huh? I'm going to meet this girl at cyotes tonight. Some girl I meet at the wedding. the bride set me up, not the type of girl i would usualy go for but what the hell. Oh wel, its worth a try. Oh yeah fuck you for laughing atr my typing and love ya all,
goood night
goood night
geez yer a fucker... just do it man, and I work sat. not sun. sorry dood
BUNNY BUNNY BUNNY! Whoo! happy bunny day!