lol 69.
I don't want to sound stuck up. I know sometimes I come off that way. A lot of people in my family are elitists. I guess I maybe have picked up some bad habits from them. And, of course, I am farrrr from perfect.
I have been wondering why people on SG, who I have never met and barley talk to, think its perfectly normal to contact me and ask to come to my house and/or go hang out with at a random bar. I mean , really am I the only one who gets peeved by this. I feel like I'm being treated like a commodity to SG. Like men just come in here and pick a girl and expect them to meet up with them.
Let me just make something clear. This is not realistic. I am not going to let a total stranger from a porn site come into my home. I am not going to meet you in a dark bar alone. I find it to be extremely unsafe.
I'm sorry if I come off as rude or "no fun". I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who knows how I feel about this.
I have been to many chatter meet ups . Met new people. Had a great time. But this is very different than letting some dood named bigtoolforyou_69 crash on my couch.
juss sayin...
Yeah....creepers. Dudes are always on my shit, want to sex me up...
I can't imagine how annoying that would be to me. I get pissed when I get one friend request from someone I don't know.