Today was sooo long. I had to get all my VC homework done becuase you know, its due tomorrow morning.
Oh well. Tinas working on hers. I am gonna go and do some yoga. Then go to sleep since i dont know what time i have to go to class tomorrow.

Luv n peece fools.

Dude, your teacher sounds like a twat-gardener, just kick him in the taint and put your work on the top shelf. AND I STILL SAY you do "fuck this class" for your story, and have the word fuck doing the work class doggy style. It would be so raunchily kinkily funny
Last nite was coo. Tina had some friends over, and by some i mean 10 people. I was worried i wouldnt get sleep but they arent assholes, they cool. So they were like "damn gina, you need sleep, is coo, we go to sleep too".
Some guy from the real world something or other was at the trabant center yesterday. I was like "which guy?...
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I dont care how ya butter it up. Having two half naked strangers making out in my bed would probably send me into a rage of fury and stabbings.....lots of stabbings....

Im sorry your teacher is such an assbag, i know how it is, but from the sound of it, not as much as you do. Just try to keep an open mind, you got moxie. Throw some more pics up you boring ass
Hey hey hey sucka fools.
i really hate my one art class because i have to listen to a pompus asshole drone on about what he likes and dislikes and the fact that he is the determination factor that will either let me in or keep me out of my final year of art majoring plisses me off seeing as he mocked my first story...
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good, and by the way, i'll have the akednay ackblay ussianray.
oh how i do fancy those naked black russians.....purrrrrrr
today was a day....so...yea. went with joe to the airport, dropped him off, said goodbyes, he's prolly still in the air as i speak. went to work, came back to the dorm. Tina was upset, so we took a drive with andrew into wilmington to see steph nick ashely in their dorms. wilmington will always make me uncomfortable heh.
chrno meows so much.
oh yea,...
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red? put up pictures jerkface.
Joe!!! how are you! please email me! no no, just red tips! ^_^ eeee!! so excited joe talks to me!!
Today i was like literally 2 seconds late to japanese class! I ran in and was like "goeminose!" (that means sorry) i probably spelled it mucho wrong. oh well. My painting class is pretty nifty, time really flys in that class, he even gives us a 15 minute break to get coffee or diet soda (i like diet soda). It's still sooo cold in this...
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today i woke up in my dorm. Tina stayed last night so i wasnt by myself. Cara was in the room for a little today, but she's never here cause she's always at her boyfriends. So its kinda gonna be like just me lindsay and tina living with chrno instead of cara being here for more than an hour. Joe is leaving for japan soon,...
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....leah.....quit being a dickbag and just be a Suicide Girl....its what you want...its what everyone wants...get over it harlot....take Antie's advice, money and exposure never hurt anybody
clinty you are so ....meaningfull. ass ^_^
Today was interesting. I moved in my dorm and talked with Lindsay. She cant move in till Wednesday cause she has the chicken pox. Worked at the restaurant today, man sundays suck. they suck hard core.
Soooo , now im rearranging my room and setting things up, i hope this semester goes well. Welp, now im gonna go do some yoga and then i think...
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So today was better at the restaurant. I made decent money. Thats good considering i pay for most of my college plus food this year, and the fact that i have to pay for my car insurance in december, out another thousand. damn b.
oh shoot, joe and susie are here, gotta go

luv n peece fools
yea, car insurance does suck, you'd think it'd be better being female (since guys get charged extra).
the only thing i can think of thats worse than working at the restaurant is the pay at the restaurant.....and the only thing worse than that, is SOMEONE SHOOTING A KITTY!!! YOU BITCH!!!! WHY WOULD YOU SHOW ME THAT!!!!!!

oh yeah...and VD......VD sucks real bad too...
Oh yea, I got my books for college today, and sweet jesus, i saved money! I only had to put out 95$ for my japanese and online tibet class. My art classes i dont think i have books in or wont buy books for an art class, screw that. I think andrew and clint are bottling their beer today, i am gonna watch after reports....
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