I have to do so much homework today. #4 story image, 750 word essay on comparing old posters from a museum, my japaanese homework due monday and tuesday, reading all of my online tibet classes (well, at least 2 chapters worth). I think thats it. I also have to go get black letramax board tomount shizzle on. oh well, i had better get started seeing as i have 5 hours to do stuff today and only 3 hours tomororw and then theres tomorrow night. It all has to be done by monday.
Wee. College.
Wee. College.
yo there g, sorry that phone stuff didn't work out. im usually on lunch break from 12 20 - 1 05. so if you call around 11 30 your time it should be ok (i don't know about daylight savings time) i have all of thursdays off so anytimes ok there, and the weekends are pretty good. for now im outie 5000