Today i was like literally 2 seconds late to japanese class! I ran in and was like "goeminose!" (that means sorry) i probably spelled it mucho wrong. oh well. My painting class is pretty nifty, time really flys in that class, he even gives us a 15 minute break to get coffee or diet soda (i like diet soda). It's still sooo cold in this room. so very cold. VC classes run 4 hours long (9am-1pm) monday wednesday friday. All 41 of us are crammed into a room in the basement of a building with the air conditioner turned off. apparently artists are supposed to suffer, and here i thought that was just some fancy myth. god-damn it he's a crazy art teacher. i hate how hot it gets in there. he wants us to illustrate a 3 word story....heres a 3 word story for him "go fuck yourself" heh. oho well, least i have tina and aviva and ashira and so forth.
luv n peece fools
luv n peece fools