Hey all. Tonite was awesome. Lerhone Joe Andrew chilled with me. Then brandon and ryan came over. We all went to jojos and drank, even rhone shady. It was fun. Jojos chinchilla nikita was soo cute. I am looking forward to school. Its gonna be intersting. Oh yea, i love warcraft and have a lvl 40 night elf priest, yumia on skullcrusher. Oh shit inuyasha is on. But yea, i love drinkin with lerhone, also, joes mock 21st birthday is this saturday. that should be fun. well, i think im gonna go play some warcraft or draw something....i do enjoy anime, i'll post a picture later of my shelves in my room, sweet jesus i spent like 700$ at otakon on figures and japanese shit. I'm gonna go to japan in january with andrew and brandon. Its so we can visit joe. Oh well, time to go.
luv n peece fools

luv n peece fools