So i quit my waitressing job for the rest of the semester. I didn not have enough time to work on my art.
Thats bad since thats my major. Heh..
But yea, nothing new has happened. But I am going to submit my photo session for SG's. ^_^
Well, the other day I got top shelf in my class. You see, I'm putting everything i have in art. mwahahah. I have a design sheet too, for VC. I'll post everything, i swear.
Ok, just saying that. Alirhgt, i go.
Today went well, my painting teacher said my cloth painting was very odd, but he really liked it (he had to of since he gave it an A).
My japanese teacher said I'm really good at the language and should continue doing good. One of my photo pictures got into the TOP 19!! thats so awesome. ....I knew the guy liked Ipods, so i took... Read More
What a great couple of days its been. Oh, and bye great i mean miserable. I got bottom shelf on my celeb face, but give me a break, I've never done cross hatch, shape form or scratch board before! On the brighter side of things, for the photo projects, 2 of mine made the top 39 best. (thats good considering 41 of us each turned... Read More
Art classes are going well. Tina is playing smash brothers melee in the other room. im so tired. early ass class tomorrow too. I saw Advent Children last night. HOLY FUCK.. thats all, it was everything i wanted it to be. Beautiful awesome and proves the point that Cloud Belongs with Aeris, not Tifa. goddamnit.
Woot. It had everyone jesus christ, even that faggot cait... Read More
I have to do so much homework today. #4 story image, 750 word essay on comparing old posters from a museum, my japaanese homework due monday and tuesday, reading all of my online tibet classes (well, at least 2 chapters worth). I think thats it. I also have to go get black letramax board tomount shizzle on. oh well, i had better get started seeing... Read More
yo there g, sorry that phone stuff didn't work out. im usually on lunch break from 12 20 - 1 05. so if you call around 11 30 your time it should be ok (i don't know about daylight savings time) i have all of thursdays off so anytimes ok there, and the weekends are pretty good. for now im outie 5000
Sup fools. Well, i just have to give suicide girls my photo set and then there will be pics of me on here. hooray ^_^
Im so excited. Im also thinking about dying my hair light white blonde then putting in turquoise ends with chunks of black in the middle part of my hair. I think it will look neat. Let me know what you... Read More
Today :Tina, Virginia, Christine Me and Craig went to the delaware art museum for a mandatory VC field trip. It was um...interesting?
I dont find old art too interesting, sorry picaso. Joe IMed me this morning but it fucking figures i wasnt near my damn computer. (in japanese : konpyuta) hahahha
Oh well, time to work on story image # 3. I hate life. hahah... Read More