Ah, my first blog....the first of many more to come, hopefully. Let's see...what would be appropriate to speak about here? Hmmm...I know! I'll give the shortened version of how I ended up here.
I heard about SuicideGirls here and there, mostly because I am a porn connoisseur (meaning I don't collect it for "happy time"...I see the artistic value in them...OK, some of them
), . I joined up partially because of a friend who is a potential Hopeful. Not certain if she knows that I'm on here now...ah, well. She'll figure it out soon enough.
Anyway, the rest of it lies at the feet of my favorite SG thus far, Ember
. An explanation is needed here (in my fantastical mind, at least). The friend is an amateur photographer, and she was on DA showing me some of her new stuff, as well as a shirt she wanted; it was being modeled by the lovely Sash (my #2 favorite). I was captivated by her beauty (innocent, yet definitely not so), not to mention her AWESOME arm tattoo. My friend said something about her being on SG, and I was intrigued. She then logged on and said I could browse the site a bit, just to see if I wanted to join. I clicked on Pics, and there she was, in her "Flamingo Foam" set. I'll admit, I absolutely LOVE big breasts, so it's easy to see what initially drew me in...but those eyes...they locked me in and threw away the key. Not that I'm complaining, mind you...
That's all for this guy...I may have rambled for longer than I wanted (I always seem to do that when typing...
I heard about SuicideGirls here and there, mostly because I am a porn connoisseur (meaning I don't collect it for "happy time"...I see the artistic value in them...OK, some of them

Anyway, the rest of it lies at the feet of my favorite SG thus far, Ember

That's all for this guy...I may have rambled for longer than I wanted (I always seem to do that when typing...

lol im sorry!! if i had thought about it I would have invited you... it was out in hilltop in va beach
It's no problem...I probably would've flaked out, anyway...