Had a pretty good light show last night. Lightning in the desert is awesome. It rained last night too, but the sun came out in the morning, so there wasn't mud everywhere thankfully. I've decided I'm going to try and produce a six pack of abs on my stomach before I come home, so I've almost completely cut sugar out of my diet, on top of the fact that I already eat healthy. I know all the people who smoke or have smoked before will probably not like this analogy(especially because I have never smoked before), but I feel like someone who is trying to quit cigarettes. I started this lack of sugar monday, and at lunch today I wanted to just dive into a bowl of Ice cream. I'm sure it will pass. I used to eat candy like a crack fiend, skipping meals to eat a bag of starbursts or jolly ranchers. I stopped doing that last deployment. Anyways with my regular exercise and healthy diet, I've found a new type of motivation. I've been working harder at my job, and at exercising, and it's starting to pay off. We'll see how well It pays off by the time I go home in August. I will keep posting pictures of my progress on the abs. For the latest pic see a couple blogs ago, or the latest attachment pic. 

I thought I was loved and adored...very much. It was an exercise that was suggested to me by someone for those moments when I think I was "too special" to lose my friend in the process. Losing a friend is harder than losing a lover. Lovers come and go. But thank you for your kind comments. How's Iraq? The NW is cloudy and rainy as is usual in Spring. I could use some sunshine and heat!
How hot does it get there? I've heard 120F. It's gray and dreary here today