so i'm finally in iraq. we've done a couple patrols in the local area o get familiar with. so far nobody wants to fuck with us. they did shoot a rocket at a supply convoy one night close to us though. to bad for them. saw a tank a half a mile away shooting main gun rounds at somebody. to bad for them too.
on a good note i found the new nine inch nails cd at one of the px's. i'm so happy. i listen to it all the time. well time for me too split. laters
p.s. I have my address now so if you ask for it nicelly i might give it to you.
on a good note i found the new nine inch nails cd at one of the px's. i'm so happy. i listen to it all the time. well time for me too split. laters
p.s. I have my address now so if you ask for it nicelly i might give it to you.

NIIIICK! can i have your address?