New job, new flat, and some pumping DnB, things are looking up!

Sweet as fuck!

Didnt get the job after all that training. Seriously pissed off now.

Back to Perth tommorrow now, grrrrr!
Well interview sorted and start my training for the new job on monday, looking forward to it but kinda nervous. Looks like i could be living in Aus for longer than i expected, which is ideal. Seriously lacking DnB now tho frown
Got an interview for a job in Sydney!

Sweet as, cos its something I really want to do, good wage, amazing place to work, and I could be sponsored to stay in the country, or go to work in any of their offices in Newyork, Bristol, India...

Im so excited, I just hope they ask me to work for them and the interview goes well! puke
that cd is awesome!!

hope you have a gd xmas!
Got my tickets for Sydney sorted, finally. Im so unorganised its unbelievable! Now all I need to do is find a job, find somewhere to live and get a life for when I get back!

My brother an my mates all went to see Pendulum the other night, and Krust played too! Im soooo gutted I wasnt there, it would have been an amazing night....
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Spent all day on the beach today, was soooo good, 36 Degrees, nice breeze, warm sea and a reefer it was complete bliss!

God I love the beaches in Perth! I will upload some images soon so u guys from the UK can be very jealous! Im so glad im not in the UK for winter this year. Although Christmas in warm weather is gonna...
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are you off to helter skelter nye?
only every junglist's nye dream

check the accelerated culture arena