so last friday i was sitting in class. the teacher is telling a story about a guy who tears his achilles tendon. i was really into the story imagining the sounds and the look of this guys ankle and then i blacked out. fell out of my desk. landed face first on the floor. i woke up with people standing over me and the teacher calling the paramedics(legal reasons). anyway i was fine just couldnt believe i had blacked out. i had eaten an apple and a yogurt for breakfast so it wasn't like i hadn't eaten. i am not shaken by stuff like that at all but for some reason i let myself take it too far i guess. anyway it must have been hilarious for the other 98 people in that class, looking back its pretty damn funny to me
also i had a dream that i was delivered a package with the most organized bic lighter collection ive ever seen. it had all the colors, all the special flickyourbic's lots of cool designs etc then i woke up and realized it wasn't reality and that i would have to make that collection my self. honestly ill probably just take the lighters from other people cause that would get expensive if i tried to buy them all
also i had a dream that i was delivered a package with the most organized bic lighter collection ive ever seen. it had all the colors, all the special flickyourbic's lots of cool designs etc then i woke up and realized it wasn't reality and that i would have to make that collection my self. honestly ill probably just take the lighters from other people cause that would get expensive if i tried to buy them all
switchin it up old skool status. aye.
Haha WHODAT is right, my friend!