well, i did well on the last two midterms i had B+ in both, not A's but good enough i suppose. Monday was my birthday, my brother came down and smoked a bowl with me and gave me a new pinch hitter. It is by a local ATL guy named patrick and has some nice work to it. it has changed colors really well already and hits well too.
looking forward to this weekend, friends coming down and Auburn plays another SEC game at home on saturday. weather is supposed to clear up and finally stop raining, and it should be a sunny cool day with lots of beer, liquor and tailgating.
looking forward to this weekend, friends coming down and Auburn plays another SEC game at home on saturday. weather is supposed to clear up and finally stop raining, and it should be a sunny cool day with lots of beer, liquor and tailgating.
nice piece
Nice glass!! This weather is ridic, is it cold as shit down there?