note to self....remember to do journal more;;;;;;
just moved out of a great condo that i was living with my girlfriend in......all it took was thirty days to get real scared........why do people change? or are they just hiding it real well..this ispsycho girl #3 in the las5t 6 months. what the hell is goin on here??..............need to meet nice people. someone please an sg event virgin and want to change that....feeling like a drunk prom queen on prom night
just moved out of a great condo that i was living with my girlfriend in......all it took was thirty days to get real scared........why do people change? or are they just hiding it real well..this ispsycho girl #3 in the las5t 6 months. what the hell is goin on here??..............need to meet nice people. someone please an sg event virgin and want to change that....feeling like a drunk prom queen on prom night
The exact location will only be posted to groups, b/c the boards are public now, and i don't want a bunch of locals to drop by to harass us.
So, join SG philly, SGNY, or SG CC/DC etc.