I am at work, last night of the week, and it is a good thing. I almost fell asleep just a little bit ago. I was closing my eyes, because I am just so tired. Keeping them open was a chore, and closing them was relaxing. Slowly my head lowered more and more, and then boom my head snapped down and then right back up. Barely caught myself. Not that it would have been that big of a deal. The security guard was back here taking his break and reading the newspaper, so if i did, he could have gotten me up.
Still 3 more hours. My god. Then I get to stay up till about 9am. Then I will get about 5 hours of sleep before I head off to a weekend of festivities. I am driving 3 hours to go play videogames and drink alcohol with people I have never met, and only played Halo 2 online with and chatted on a message board with.
I am packing more stuff than I ever have. Especially for such a short trip. The bare minimum of clothes, because I don't have to dress to impress. You should see all the electronics I have to pack though.
PC monitor, Xbox 360, Games, Surround sound decoder and subwoofer (for power supply), Guitar Hero Controller, Movies, Laptop, Blank DVDs, Airmattress, Sleeping bag, Pillow, Vodka (two types), Rum, Gin, and more stuff I can't even thinik of.
See, insane. It should be lots of fun, and if not, I can always come back home and get some sleep.
Well, the newspaper should be delivered soon, so I will have some brain activities to do. Then the bakery, so I will get to snag a donut. As much as I want to go and hang out with new people. Right now what I want more than anything is sleep.
Still 3 more hours. My god. Then I get to stay up till about 9am. Then I will get about 5 hours of sleep before I head off to a weekend of festivities. I am driving 3 hours to go play videogames and drink alcohol with people I have never met, and only played Halo 2 online with and chatted on a message board with.
I am packing more stuff than I ever have. Especially for such a short trip. The bare minimum of clothes, because I don't have to dress to impress. You should see all the electronics I have to pack though.
PC monitor, Xbox 360, Games, Surround sound decoder and subwoofer (for power supply), Guitar Hero Controller, Movies, Laptop, Blank DVDs, Airmattress, Sleeping bag, Pillow, Vodka (two types), Rum, Gin, and more stuff I can't even thinik of.
See, insane. It should be lots of fun, and if not, I can always come back home and get some sleep.
Well, the newspaper should be delivered soon, so I will have some brain activities to do. Then the bakery, so I will get to snag a donut. As much as I want to go and hang out with new people. Right now what I want more than anything is sleep.

I hope to blow them away too, I just need to know what I need to do better first