The ignorance of Christianity was forced into my face tonight at work. 6 hours of a replacement security guard standing at the front desk spewing ignorant babble.
I am all for different religeous beliefs, but to absolutely dismiss all science... Like the earth is only 8,000 years old, or Dinosaurs and Man walked the Earth at the same time.
Some of the stuff this man said was so fucking insane. I was doing my best not to be rude, I pretty well bit my tongue. I said "Uh huh" about 100 times, trying to appear as uninterested in what he was saying as possible.
I typed while he was talking, made phone calls, even walked off. The man just kept going. AHHHHH!
What was worse, was my gf wasn't talking to me online. I was trying to tell her all about it, and get some moral support/good time humor out of it. If I would pray for anything at this moment, it would be that the regular security guard isn't that ill/hurt and he returns tomorrow.
I am all for different religeous beliefs, but to absolutely dismiss all science... Like the earth is only 8,000 years old, or Dinosaurs and Man walked the Earth at the same time.

I typed while he was talking, made phone calls, even walked off. The man just kept going. AHHHHH!
What was worse, was my gf wasn't talking to me online. I was trying to tell her all about it, and get some moral support/good time humor out of it. If I would pray for anything at this moment, it would be that the regular security guard isn't that ill/hurt and he returns tomorrow.
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