pros of gardening - beautiful flowers everywhere

cons of gardening - big mosquito/spider bites. OW
bites are bad but the payoff of a nice garden is worth it
dairy queen - buy one chile cheese dog, get one free! buy one sundae, get one free!

come home and make margaritas! 3 parts margarita mix to one part tequila? how about 3 parts to 2 1/2 parts! much better.

making fun of lame people on tv! xtreme makeover...a sign of the apocolypse...

mmmm margaritas. It sounds like you can make a mean one.

I like your sculptures. They remind me of Tim Burton's Nightmare before x-mas characters. Keep up the smooth criminal activities.
backseat bars, too many jello shots, rolling man purses, mulholland drive, triple A, mooning on the long drives home, daydreaming about hott double weddings in italy, santa barbara mermaids, strippers (and servers!), gettin' freaky on ben franklin, the music, the music, the music.

being on tour is like being in another universe. now that it's over i miss it terribly...

thank you smile
just got back from my three-day weekend in san jose. it was great to see all my tour compadres again. the tori shows were amazing.

i'm beat. and my new tatt itches like a mofo. off to lotion....
Slap that tatt good... wink
I glad you had a great time

Hay... it's a loca from the O.C.! Greetings from me wink Let's see the new art in the profile picture thingy some day, and so what's all the "ruckus" in San Jose?

i accidently be-friended myself
hahaha...I did that too! like the add a photo thing in the tattoo group... what a riot.

at least the subtract a friend thing is easy in the preferences "settings"
that is a nice tat
beautiful, dark-skinned, long-haired boys turn and shout out dirty phrases en espanol as i walk down the cement steps. disgust and flattery wrestle.

with his index finger, the man in front of me eats scoopful after scoopful of nacho cheese out of a little plastic cup.

a little girl with dragonfly barrettes in her black, black pigtails bounces up and down to the beastie boys...
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Nice. Do you speak Spanish and understand what they're saying? 'Cause they might just be yelling to let you know you have toilet paper on your shoe or something.
I'm usually that guy eating nacho cheese with my index finger at sporting events. The stadiums always give too many chips for just one cup of cheese, so I have to buy a second cup. And then halfway through the second cup, I run out of chips! It's quite a dilemma. But, fortunately, I like the cheese a whole lot more than the chips. So I have no problem eating pure cheese.

Mmm... Melted cheesey goodness. smile
another four-ish hours under the needle tomorrow. i don't know why i'm so nervous this time around. it's just those first ten seconds that wreck and wrangle my nerves.

nervous but excited...

testing my calluses against your cacti i like looking at my hands scarred and bloody shut it off turn the screw
close the hatch slam the door gonna play it hermit-style for a while

i'm going to bed.