my uncle died this morning. about 5am.
once my grandparents started dying, they all kind of went together. i wonder how it'll work now that the first of this generation has kicked off.
i've an aunt with multiple myeloma &a generally unhealthy uncle (no exercise, bad food, smoked for years, drank too much...). other than that, though, i can't really imagine why any of them would die.
except maybe my dad. he's in france right now, &you know how they hate americans. my dad couldn't even pass for canadian. hah.
hi ginger.
once my grandparents started dying, they all kind of went together. i wonder how it'll work now that the first of this generation has kicked off.
i've an aunt with multiple myeloma &a generally unhealthy uncle (no exercise, bad food, smoked for years, drank too much...). other than that, though, i can't really imagine why any of them would die.
except maybe my dad. he's in france right now, &you know how they hate americans. my dad couldn't even pass for canadian. hah.
hi ginger.
at least he apologized the one time i saw him in the last 12-15 years.
-who's your favorite composer?
[Edited on Jun 02, 2003]