So I am a rollercoaster. It's what I've decided and known. My life is like a tilt-a-whirl right now. Cliche' I know but consider this....within the past couple weeks I've had the best and hardest working time of my life. I've had maybe like 8 exams, so all during the week all I do is study until I'm ready to pass out. It really does get quite exhausting. Then on the weekends I've been a concert whore and having the time of my life. I got to see STP 1st/2nd row and it was AMAZING! Scott is such a wild man and makes me feel like I'm not the only one who dances like a spaz. Incredible....but it gets better. Then I've been in love with Gavin Rossdale (from Bush, married to Gwen Steffani) since I was 9....and I'm 23 now so thats a long time!! Well he was coming to Milwaukee so I made sure I got tickets, 2nd row and it was completely amazing. He did a lot of Bush songs, a few Institute and a bunch from his new solo album. It was just perfect. Fever Marlene also opened for him and they rocked as well. Of course I wanted the show to go on and on so when it was over and I didn't get to touch his hand I was bummed, but still satisfied to get something that I've been waiting so long for. Well Jeffrey (my boy) and I decided to go check out this bar where our waitress from earlier that evening was telling us about. It just so happens that Gavin was going there too. I just about lost it when Jeffrey told me that the bouncer told him that. I thought he was playing some cruel, cruel joke on me. But a little later, he was there and I was in complete awe. After I got yelled at one of the bodyguards, I finally caught his eye and tried to have him "come hither" but he nodded for me to go over so I did and waiting for him to give the okay and he held my hand as I gushed about how long I've been waiting for this and to see a show and it was just so amazing. Then he kissed my hand!!!
I still get completely giddy thinking about it. Here are some pictures from the past week or so...
I look like my face is going to explode
I couldn't even help myself..

First time eating sushi...
I'll be getting my Elvis tattoo and possibly another at the beginning of August so it should be all healed by the time I shoot with robby, which I am sooo excited for! I'm also debating about getting other piercing, but we'll see.

I'll be getting my Elvis tattoo and possibly another at the beginning of August so it should be all healed by the time I shoot with robby, which I am sooo excited for! I'm also debating about getting other piercing, but we'll see.
definitely throw your ideas my way and also we should pick a date to scout it out !
it might take some reminding, but i can surely help you out with some more format . it's all so fantastical .