Opossums, found by d23, Trillian and I late last night, scattered across the road beside their dead Mama. They go in to Lindsay Wildlife REscue shortly, having spent most of the night curled up inside my shirt staying warm. They are wiggly and sticky and their mouths are so small I had to dull a hypodermic to feed them- the syringe itself was too big!
That was after the cops didn't ticket d23 for driving the wrong way down an off ramp (the quote being "The last guy that did that was REALLY drunk"), after the accordion and ukelele band, after the man singing with a Donald Duck hat on on fire.
It was that kind of evening.
You guys are my heroes. Seriously, nothing deserves more respect than people saving animals (by sticking them down your shirt ;-) ). Awesome-sauce.
That's amazing, and the pics are nice.