The Internet being what it is, and me being a terrible addict, I recently set up a Tumblr blog. For those of you that haven't played on it yet, it's a short-form blog with pictures, etc. I mostly set it up so that I could folow a number of really great erotic photo blogs I found over there.But feel free to follow me there as well. I'll also be sending my Tweets there, and short bits from my normal blog.
And, in other blog-related news, Fractal and I will be coauthoring a dark fashion blog: Haute Macabre. We just set it up, so there isn't much there yet, but Oh there will be....
From the current installment of The Devil is in the Details:

And, in other blog-related news, Fractal and I will be coauthoring a dark fashion blog: Haute Macabre. We just set it up, so there isn't much there yet, but Oh there will be....
From the current installment of The Devil is in the Details:

that picture just made my day.