New Years came and went in a champagne haze. There is little else I love like drinking it right from the bottle, especially during frenzied dance party. Since then it's the ho-hum of back to work and cold Pittsburgh winter. Icy sidewalks, puffs of exhalation over everyone's bowed heads, and hurried steps. None of the long leisurely walks and laying about outside in the park or by the river that I love so much.
The only perk to the Steel City's long frosty winter is all the sewing I can get done. A blanket across my lap and whatever hand sewing project I'm working on perched on top of it. Right now it's a sexy three way between my little Pierogie-pins up there ^^^^, a pair of Valentine's custom Zomb-me's I sold in my Etsy store, and a badass backpatch I'm embroidering for a denim vest of mine.

It's very very busy in my lap right now. Now if I could not get this lap to be the other kind of busy and I'd be set. Me-ow.
lol *shrug* to get a reaction out of you 

You have dissapeared