Hi there, I've been super slacking lately on here, and all social media in general. I've been super busy and it feels like when I'm not busy, I'm fighting off some sickness.
Anyway, I had the pleasure of going to Hell City Killumbus this weekend, and it was absolutely wonderful meeting so many great people, and so many babes! I thought I would share some of the memories from the weekend. I feel like I never take enough pictures!
Super fuzzy, but I adore these wonderful ladies. and booobs!
My absolute favorite thing about this weekend, my wonderful new thigh tattoos<3<3 My Hp love grows everyday.
I also got these awesome new undies and a shirt from the amazing guys in Cookie Monster Cannibles. look them up on insta for all your medible and clothing needs :)
I finally got to meet my wonderfully amazing friend @helix_, who is going through a rough time right now and needs endless amounts of love and support<3<3
Also, was pretty fuckin' stoked to meet Kyle Dunbar from InkMaster! We have the same squinty smiles :P
Blurry group shot of all the ladies.
Naked twister with some of my lovely ladies<3
That's all for now.. I need to start taking more pictures on actual cameras :P
Don't forget to follow my instagram, and since my birthday is coming up soon, if anyone is ever feeling generous, heres a link to my wish list, and anyone that buys anything will obviously get a picture of me in the item, and an instax! <3