Ok I love Suicidegirls.... But I need to vent...
I am really getting annyiod with SG's.... Not all, not even them in general. People I guess is da problem..... but tend to get it from the SG's more often...
RANDOM ADDS! Fuck that shit! I keep getting SG's tryin to add me so they can collect people to comment on their sets, sure works on the zombiefied idiot masses... But this is a special zombie, like the one from 28days later, RAGE!
Sorry SG chick if ya read this, you just inspired me to post, not directed AT you.
Had an SG just yesterday add me, I asked her "Why should I add you?", she replied, "You don't have to...your blog just made me smile a bit.".... ............................. ..................... Ok, it made ya smile...... No comment WTF! I guess an add is kinda a comment, saying she liked it, but naw... Im not a clown here to amuse the masses, I am a clown here to amuse the people that tolerate me, and know me for me.... Also its hard for me to add ANYONE with 500+ friends.... Sorry... just da way I roll...
Silentfury21's blog about our Octoberfest experince
"I dont even know where to begin. So last night we headed out to the Octoberfest in Savannah, wasnt suppose to be drinking. But of course after being around the thousands of drunk people, I did. Octoberfest was chill, but the events afterwords were great. Went bar hopping, for a bit and ended up at club 51. Its 3 stories with techno on top floor, hip hop on second, and latin on bottom. Nivoldoog of course was already shitty and then was black out drunk. I was on my way to shitty, when i started watching Nivoldoog just dancing with everyone, getting in peoples faces when "Move Bitch" came on, started crunking in a dance off, and was making a lot of people laugh, but also pissing people off. This was the begining of the hilarious night. This went on for a few hours, he managed to loose his beeds, dump his wallet and phone on the ground and lose his debit card.
After the club we ended up in this ridiculous line for pizza, it was a 30 min wait with tons of drunk people trying to cut line and making a ruckus. This turned out to be an awesome pizza line, I made friends with every one around me. A little jon look alike was there cutting line yelling shit at everyone,
Nivoldoog, who doesnt remember any of this, made friends with little jon's friend and let him cut line in front of him. This made people mad, so he told all the people behind him they sucked. This line went on for 30 min, then we got to the amazing pizza. Huge slices only 3 dollars a piece. perfect drunk food when the club closes.
After the food Nivoldoog desided he was gonna meet me at my car, and of course he walked the wrong way, got lost and ended up a good mile or so away in the wrong direction. In my search to find him, I watched a guy try to ride his bike and fall over in the road and just lay there. I tried helping him up, but he was to shitty for this. then another guy ask me to give him a cab fair to get all the way to Florida. Well after a few drunk phone calls and Nivoldoog figuring out were he was pissed at himself and started running all the way back.
So he finally makes and we head to the car to sleep were i find a guy trying to break into my car, I yell at him and ask him what he's doing and he replies with " Whatever" and walks away. So anyways we fall asleep in the car around 5 am. We are woken up by a man at about 6:30 asking if we were ok and telling us he was a massage therapist and gave me his card that said "I will rub your head". this freaked me out, then he started offering massages and tried to grab Nivoldoog penis. This was to far, so we get out of the car to try and fend him off, but he keeps talking and follows Nivoldoog around trying to watch him piss, finally we ditch the guy and get on the 40 min ride home. Finally make it and can go to sleep wondering why the crazy shit happens to us."
repeat blog
the Y2K of hot chicks.......
on a scale of 1-10 if your a 15! You become a five... Due to the fact that you overload the system, and the brain had to recongnize some thing.
Just an overwhelming thought that took over, and made me relize I CAN be just friends with rediculasly hot women.
Well, whatever, it is what it is, and could be bullshit. "I" may never know....
"Life is what you make of it, or life makes you" me bitches
I am really getting annyiod with SG's.... Not all, not even them in general. People I guess is da problem..... but tend to get it from the SG's more often...
RANDOM ADDS! Fuck that shit! I keep getting SG's tryin to add me so they can collect people to comment on their sets, sure works on the zombiefied idiot masses... But this is a special zombie, like the one from 28days later, RAGE!
Sorry SG chick if ya read this, you just inspired me to post, not directed AT you.
Had an SG just yesterday add me, I asked her "Why should I add you?", she replied, "You don't have to...your blog just made me smile a bit.".... ............................. ..................... Ok, it made ya smile...... No comment WTF! I guess an add is kinda a comment, saying she liked it, but naw... Im not a clown here to amuse the masses, I am a clown here to amuse the people that tolerate me, and know me for me.... Also its hard for me to add ANYONE with 500+ friends.... Sorry... just da way I roll...
Silentfury21's blog about our Octoberfest experince
"I dont even know where to begin. So last night we headed out to the Octoberfest in Savannah, wasnt suppose to be drinking. But of course after being around the thousands of drunk people, I did. Octoberfest was chill, but the events afterwords were great. Went bar hopping, for a bit and ended up at club 51. Its 3 stories with techno on top floor, hip hop on second, and latin on bottom. Nivoldoog of course was already shitty and then was black out drunk. I was on my way to shitty, when i started watching Nivoldoog just dancing with everyone, getting in peoples faces when "Move Bitch" came on, started crunking in a dance off, and was making a lot of people laugh, but also pissing people off. This was the begining of the hilarious night. This went on for a few hours, he managed to loose his beeds, dump his wallet and phone on the ground and lose his debit card.
After the club we ended up in this ridiculous line for pizza, it was a 30 min wait with tons of drunk people trying to cut line and making a ruckus. This turned out to be an awesome pizza line, I made friends with every one around me. A little jon look alike was there cutting line yelling shit at everyone,
Nivoldoog, who doesnt remember any of this, made friends with little jon's friend and let him cut line in front of him. This made people mad, so he told all the people behind him they sucked. This line went on for 30 min, then we got to the amazing pizza. Huge slices only 3 dollars a piece. perfect drunk food when the club closes.
After the food Nivoldoog desided he was gonna meet me at my car, and of course he walked the wrong way, got lost and ended up a good mile or so away in the wrong direction. In my search to find him, I watched a guy try to ride his bike and fall over in the road and just lay there. I tried helping him up, but he was to shitty for this. then another guy ask me to give him a cab fair to get all the way to Florida. Well after a few drunk phone calls and Nivoldoog figuring out were he was pissed at himself and started running all the way back.
So he finally makes and we head to the car to sleep were i find a guy trying to break into my car, I yell at him and ask him what he's doing and he replies with " Whatever" and walks away. So anyways we fall asleep in the car around 5 am. We are woken up by a man at about 6:30 asking if we were ok and telling us he was a massage therapist and gave me his card that said "I will rub your head". this freaked me out, then he started offering massages and tried to grab Nivoldoog penis. This was to far, so we get out of the car to try and fend him off, but he keeps talking and follows Nivoldoog around trying to watch him piss, finally we ditch the guy and get on the 40 min ride home. Finally make it and can go to sleep wondering why the crazy shit happens to us."
repeat blog
the Y2K of hot chicks.......
on a scale of 1-10 if your a 15! You become a five... Due to the fact that you overload the system, and the brain had to recongnize some thing.
Just an overwhelming thought that took over, and made me relize I CAN be just friends with rediculasly hot women.
Well, whatever, it is what it is, and could be bullshit. "I" may never know....
"Life is what you make of it, or life makes you" me bitches
Things like that are why I hate people.

I think the massage guy wanted to be friends! Add him...