well, were do i start, i can't even begin.......lets start with my mom is upset, cause my brother, who is getting kicked out off the marines, cuase hes a fucking idiot ( no that any one who smokes is an idiot, but if your a marine, your not supposed to do certain things, its all part of the deal when u swear in and crap ) and got caught smoking a joint, isn't getting out for thanksgiving, like he was supposed too. haha, think shes upset about that, let me get to the next thing that suprised, and more importanly shocked me.... i stumbled onto my dads new screen name, and his profile, saying he wants to sleep with another man, and im pretty sure its divorce time for him and my mom, if she finds that out, were do i even try to start, on that talk, ill just be like " hey dad, hows your search for a bf" ya, that will go really swell. so if thats not fucked up enough, then i found out tonight, that my best friend from highschool's older brothers body was just found , badly decomposed, in the quarry in my town, been there for like 2 months or something, police never thought he was dead, cause they never found a note, or a body, or had any reason to believe anything other than he just took off, i guess he did it before or some shit, i have no idea, all this is just building up into possibly the worst week i ever thought could happen, and i dont know what or how to deal with it, well, i might just get a drink or 50, and start there, anyone else wana get one with me? if anything, its deffintaly not going to be an uninteresting night, lol
i'm sorry sweetie....let's get smashed together